
  • Tékumel Thursday 14: EPT Rules Updates-Combat Additions

    The range of combat additions made in the “mimeo” Empire of the Petal Throne is fairly remarkable, given that it was written in March and April 1974, just after OD&D was released. [NB: all section references in this blog post are to the sections as listed in the mimeo EPT.] A summary of the combat……

  • Tékumel Thursday: Interview at North Texas!

    I sat down with the fellows from Black Lodge Games at North Texas RPG Con, and they interviewed me about some of the projects currently in the works. Full disclosure: just met them at the con and do not know really anything about the rest of their work, but they were friendly and interested in……

  • Fifty Years of Dungeons & Dragons Table of Contents

    Zach Howard, over at the Zenopus Archives, has posted the Table of Contents for Fifty Years of Dungeons & Dragons, which is very exciting. I have cross-posted the TOC from his blog (see below). It is particularly exciting to see the article he and Tony Rowe have written, alongside the article written by Gary Alan……