
  • Tékumel Thursdays: Alignment in my Tékumel campaign

    One of the biggest issues I had to deal with in starting my Tékumel campaign had to do with alignment.  Tékumel’s alignment system is different from the various alignment systems in D&D, and is more grounded in the setting, which is helpful.  My experience in the original campaign was that the player-characters worshiped different gods,……

  • Tékumel Thursday: Trolls in the Woods

    The need to convey news about what was happening elsewhere in the Empire presented a challenge to Prof. Barker in the original campaign – or player-characters were along with Prince Eselné when this encounter took place: “…Know ye, O Omnipotent Eye Which Sees the World, that your excellent son, Lord Eselné, has travelled to Chéne……

  • 50 Years of D&D, from MIT Press

    Gary Alan Fine and I have co-authored “Soft Communities and Deviance in Dungeons & Dragons” which will be included in the upcoming anthology from MIT Press, entitled Fifty Years of Dungeons & Dragons. This volume, edited by Premeet Sidhu, Marcus Carter and José P. Zagal, “explores and celebrates the game’s legacy and its tremendous impact on……